Six major companies are taking over pubic interests in the U.S. such as Viacom, Time Warner, Walt Disney Company, General Electric, News Corporation, and Vivendi Universal. They are deciding what shows and commercials people view or hear.The shows they choose teach us stereotypes. Should it be up to them to choose what the people watch and learn from their shows? Or should the American people fight for their own public interest which is in the First Amendment? Monopoly power is what is most important to these compainies and not our public interest. These companies want to be big, make money, have control and power over everyone eles.
The American people need to learn about these Mass Medias. People need to understand what is being taken away from them which is their public interest. People need to know about the First Amendment and understand that they have the freedom to decide for themselves. Its time to act. Do not let others decide for you and take over your choice.
I learned about Mass Media mostly from
. I talked about many of the topics they cover.
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16 years ago
I believe we should not have someone choose for us we have opinions and rights and should be allowed to make our own decisions about things.
It is our right to choose what we watch although the government/major companies feel that they can make them for us. it should not be up to them but us.
It should be up to the viewer - but there is a reason these companies have taken over public interests. They are selling what people want to see. Many small companies fold because they do not produce media that are in interest to viewers. The public needs to be educated about how the media is allowing stereotypes, unfortunately most people are not aware.
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