“Beside Every Successful Man.” Copyright (c) 2008 by Megan Basham. Megan Basham wrote this book for wives. She thinks a woman should stay home and take care of the kids. She says this way you can support your husband’s career. The author thinks women want to stay home. She mentions, “ a twenty-nine-year-old woman — another doctor — shares that while she enjoys her job well enough, she “hates that she has to have it,” protesting, “I want to be a wife and a mom ... I shouldn’t have to be a doctor.” She is giving people the impression that women want to stay home but it is not always the case.
I personally do not agree with this mindset. In my personal opinion if I was a stay at home mom I would not be mentally stable. I would be bored out of my staying at home all day cleaning and taking care of the kids. I do not think it is a healthy way to live. People need their minds stimulated. They need to be in a social setting. I would be a miserable person if I did not get out of the house. In order to keep your mind young and health you need to be doing something. I think it is good for women to have jobs. It is a good contribution to your family and it gives you a sense of self worth. I think she is giving the wrong message to women.
Check out this http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/26675865/ and read more about it. What is your opinion?
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16 years ago
I had to work when my kids were younger and through my whole life I think it is up to the individual person I sometimes wish I could have stayed home but now that my children are older I am glad that I can continue to work and go to school to get my degree. I think it's everyones choice what they want to do.
I agree with Deborah, I think it is up to the individual person. I love kids, I would be perfectly happy having a husband and several children, however that is in no way for everyone. I know women who don't want kids, don't even want to be married. Women add such great work into our workforce, it's sad that someone says we should support a husband's career instead.
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