I read an article called “Study Links Fast-Food Ads To Child Obesity.” I learned that fast food advertisements have a huge influence on kids. I read that “A new study suggests that banning fast-food ads on TV could reduce the number of obese young children by 18 percent, and the number of obese older kids by 14 percent” which is a good deduction in obese kids. The article also said, “The study is based in part on several years of government survey data from the late 1990s. It also suggests that dropping an advertising expense tax deduction for fast-food restaurants could mean a slight reduction in childhood obesity” which makes me angry because the government knows that the obese kids’ health are affected by these fast food ads and they haven’t taken action yet. Hopefully the government will take care of the taxes for fast food. The study is being published in November in the Journal of Law & Economics.
I also think that using characters such as Ronald McDonald is a way to suck children into eating fast food. Kids are also attracted to the play places in the restaurants. I agree that fast food advertising should be banned. I also think that parents need to encourage their children to live a healthy life style by eating right.
What do you think?